About Us

PartRef is the industry standard catalog for anyone involved in the manufacture, remanufacture or distribution of rotating electrical products. Using our catalog you can lookup a part by Application, OE or Aftermarket Part Number, VIN Number, Original Manufacturer or Attributes. When a part is found you will see part numbers for OE Vehicle and Part Manufacturers as well as for leading aftermarket suppliers. You will also see specifications, pictures, possible substitutions, bills of material, plug codes, VIO (Vehicles in Operation) counts by part number and more.

This product is made possible through the support of many OE and Aftermarket Sponsors who both use and contribute to its contents. See our Sponsors page for a complete list. We encourage you to support these industry leaders.

Access to the catalog is available to all for a modest subscription fee. The view of the data is highly customizable to suit the various needs of our users and parts can be displayed by any industry numbering system you use. So if the standard view does not suit your needs please speak with one of our representatives about options. The catalog is also available for customization in client websites. Data is accessible through API's and other methods so that you can make use of the resource wherever and however you require. A Mobile App is available from your App Store.


  • Try our new "Find A Part" feature and send a request to our entire list of suppliers for that type of item. Choose from our list of Core Suppliers, Unit Suppliers or Component Suppliers. Send one message and get answers from the suppliers who can identify and supply the part in question.

  • "Try our VIN Lookup for Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles, brought to you by our friends at OmniVin"